Sample - IHIP

***Here you will find a sample IHIP report. Parts that are highlighted in blue is what I recommend you include in your report. The wording covers all possible information that you need to provide and you have permission to copy and paste it. You will find what works for you and everyone does it a little different. This is how I do mine and I have not had any issues from the two school districts that I have had to work with. Remember, you are providing a guideline to the school, you do not have to get everything in, you will cover other things throughout the year, but you want to cover the basics. I recommend going to a school page of the grade your child would be in and see what they are covering. That is a great guideline for you. ****as always, you are responsible for what you hand in. This is just a sample *****

Individualized Home Instruction Plan – 2014-2015


(place child's name here) will be using various methods/tools for 3rd grade instruction in all subjects
specified in Section 100.10 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.
Benjamin will receive 900 hours of instruction. The corresponding subtopics may include
and are not limited to:


-Continued review of addition and subtraction, money, time, graphs – organizing
-Fractions – numerator, denominator, equivalent
-Reinforce memorization of multiplication tables
-square numbers and square roots
-Word problems -two step – solve problems with more than one operation. -Weight: know abbreviations-lb., oz., g., kg.
-Temperature: Fahrenheit and Celsius, know the degree sign, identify freezing point of
water as 32F – 0C
-identify lines as horizontal, vertical, perpendicular, and parallel
-Right Angle-degrees of different angles-learn to figure out what degree the angle is.
-know there are four right angles in a square
-identify solid figures
-congruent figures

English –

-each month we will study different types of stories –
mystery, poetry, non-fiction, fiction
-character study
-review of parts of a letter
-parts of speech
-prefix –
re, un, dis/ suffix –
er and or, less, ly
-myths and mythical characters
-sayings and phrases
-produce written work with beginning, middle, and end
-paragraph writing –
topic sentence, examples and details, each paragraph is indented
-practice proofreading work and with attention to spelling, mechanical and presentation
of final draft
-daily journal keeping
-10 spelling word a week –
tested weekly
-reading at least 30 –
60 minutes a day for enjoyment
-some books will be chosen to test comprehension by taking an online quiz at Book
Adventures along with either book report or book project idea
-practice reading aloud
-cursive writing will continued to be practiced

Social Studies/ History/Geography

-Review how to use a map –
-how to use a compass –
practice finding local landmarks
-Geographical Terms: peninsula, harbor, bay, island, coast, valley, desert, oasis, prairie,
boundary, channel, delta, isthmus, plateau, reservoir, strait
-Studying other cultures and how they impacts our lives in the US. (our cultural
connection)-China, Japan, Canada, and Mexico
-products that are made in U.S
-current events

World History:
-Ancient Rome
-The Vikings

American History:

-Review of Thirteen colonies
-Early Explorers in North America
-English Colonies in North America
-Early exploration of North America

-Early Spanish exploration and settlement
-exploration and settlement of the American settlement
-search for northwest passage

Health Education

-Demonstrate responsibility for self and actions
-the importance of surrounding one self with positive people and people who make good
-the importance of accepting others and self and how to help others make good decisions
-determine how building relationships with helpful people can be beneficial
-importance of personal hygiene and universal precautions
-how to keep safe during disasters such as fires, earthquakes, etc
-how to be self-reliant


-Scientific Method
-Human Body: Muscular, Skeletal and Nervous system
-Vision and Hearing – learn how people that have 100% loss of these senses cope with
everyday life
-Ecology – learn about Biomes, environmental issues,
-Astronomy – more in depth study of the solar system, solar eclipse, asteroid belt,
constellations, The Space Shuttle
-Each month we will feature a “special scientist”.
-experiments will be incorporated with child’s interests



-focus on looking at a piece of artwork. Focus on talking about what he sees, what the
artist was thinking when creating his work of art and why he decided to do what he did,
and how it affects them. We will be looking closely at classic masterpieces and fine folk
and ethnic artwork.


-Elements of music – reading and writing music, rhythm, keeping time, rests, loud and
-Composers and their music
-Study of popular American Music

Language: Spanish – build on vocabulary


-visits to the library 1-2x/wk
-Science club – 1-2x/ month
-Educational Field Trips 1x/ month
-get together with other homeschoolers

Instruction methods/tools may include and shall not be limited to: reference materials
such as atlas, dictionary, globe, maps, encyclopedias, non-fiction books, videos, internet,
workbooks, worksheets, hands-on activities, experiments, projects, newspapers, and
magazines. Art supplies will be used accordingly with each project. (place child's name here) will
have opportunities to pursue his interests at anytime during the school year and they will
be incorporated in his curriculum.

Books to be used:

-Open Court Reading Level 3 Book 1 and Language Arts Handbook – The McGraw Hills Company
-What your Third Grader needs to Know – E.D. Hirsch, Jr.,
-Learn at Home–Grade 3 – American Education Publishing
-Exploring Old World – Follett (history)
-Books and Videos from the library and home library will be utilized
-Newspapers and internet will be used for current events projects
Debra J. Herman, M.F.A Concordia University online lessons -Art


  1. Thank you, this was so helpful, my stress level has decreased

    1. I second that. If you see this and are still working on your IHIP here's a page that i found super helpful:,OR'%20(emphasis%20mine).
